This book is intended for engineering and computer science students pursuing basic courses on C++ programming. The aim of the book is to assist students in mastering the art of writing C++ programs, enabling them to produce effective C++ programs. A comprehensive pedagogical approach is adopted for this book, which includes extensive examples and figures, interspersed with review questions, programming tips, keywords and end-of-chapter practices. The book opens with an introductory chapter on computers and computer programs, followed by a detailed introduction to C++ programming. It then moves on to an analysis of the various constructs in C++ such as the selection and repetition control structures, as well as functions and arrays.
Presents programming topics in an accessible and engaging manner.
Enables students to check their understanding through review questions interspersed
throughout the chapters.
- Provides chapter snapshots via a summary section at the end of each chapter.
- Reinforces students' grasp of the topics through a variety of knowledge, comprehension and application exercises.
- Assists students in applying programming techniques through the many examples provided.
- Additional engineering-related examples to familiarize students with programming in the engineering fields.
- Text amended and reorganized to assist students' understanding of the content.
- Revised examples and questions to include application-type programs to further facilitate comprehension and demonstrate real-world applications of C++ programming.
Wan Anisha Wan Mohammad is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang. She holds a Master of Science in Information Technology.
Azlina Mohd Mydin is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang. She holds a Master of Science in Computer Sciences, majoring in Software Engineering.