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Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 7th Edition

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Naresh K Malhotra  April 2019 

For undergraduate and graduate courses in marketing research.

 An applied and practical marketing research text

With a do-it-yourself, hands-on approach, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation illustrates the interaction between marketing research decisions and marketing management decisions. This text uses a practical six-step framework for conducting marketing research, utilizing a variety of marketing companies to highlight qualitative and quantitative research strategies. The 7th Edition provides current, contemporary, and illustrative material sensitive to user needs. And with detailed emphasis on how to run the SPSS and SAS programs, marketing research students obtain the most extensive help available on this industry.


Hands-On Approach Help Students Develop Marketing Research Skills

·    New - Running Case on Dell with Real Data helps students see the links between chapters and trace the entire marketing research process throughout the text.  

·    New and Updated - Comprehensive Cases with Actual Questionnaires and Real Data let students see concepts in practice in the real world.

·    Experiential Research. Hands-on exercises allow students to act out the research concepts discussed in the chapter.

·    Decision Research. Scenarios present a real-life marketing situation and ask students to assume the role of a consultant and recommend appropriate marketing research and management decisions.

·    Critical-Thinking Cases, End-of-Chapter Review Questions and Exercises, Applied Problems, and Group Discussions embody the principles of critical thinking and help students learn, apply, and practice concepts. These principles include Socratic questioning, critical reading and writing, higher order thinking, and assessment, and have been designed based on the guidelines provided by the Foundation for Critical Thinking.

·    Real Research. Vignettes featuring real companies profile a wide range of businesses, making the material relevant to students.

·    Active Research. Short, integrated, managerially-oriented exercises give students the opportunity to do research on the Internet and play the roles of marketing researcher and marketing manager.

·    Project Research. A real-life project covers all aspects of marketing research and is used as a running example throughout the text.

·    Conducting a Live Marketing Research Project, at the end of each chapter, shows instructors how to implement one or more live marketing research projects in the course.