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Fundamentals of English Grammar Student Book A with the App, 5th Edition

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For nearly forty years, Understanding and Using English Grammar has been the go-to grammar resource for students and teachers alike. Its time-tested approach blends direct grammar instruction with carefully sequenced practice to develop all language skills.

New to This Edition

  • Pretests at the start of each chapter enable learners to check what they already know.
  • Updated grammar charts reflect current usage and highlight differences between written and spoken English.
  • A new chapter on article usage.
  • A variety of high-interest readings include reviews, articles on current topics, and blogs that focus on student success.
  • Additional incremental practice helps learners better grasp concepts, while thematic exercises and integrated tasks offer more contextualized language use.
  • Step-by-step writing activities are supported by writing tips and pre-writing and editing tasks.

MyEnglishLab (access code provided in the book)

  • Rich online practice for all skill areas: grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Instant feedback and remediation.
  • Grammar videos.
  • Bonus material not included in the Student Book, including additional expanded practice of gerunds and infinitives.
  • Robust assessments.
  • Gradebook and diagnostic tools.