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Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Global Edition, 5th Edition

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Eric J. Simon / Jean L. Dickey / Jane B. Reece / Kelly A Hogan  

Helping students understand why biology matters 

Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology makes biology interesting and understandable for non-majors biology students. This best-selling textbook, known for its scientific accuracy, clear explanations, and intuitive illustrations, has been revised to further emphasize the relevance of biology to everyday life, using memorable analogies, real-world examples, conversational language, engaging new Why Biology Matters photo essays, and more.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction: Biology Today

Unit 1: Cells

Chapter 2: Essential Chemistry for Biology

Chapter 3: The Molecules of Life

Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell

Chapter 5: The Working Cell

Chapter 6: Cellular Respiration: Obtaining Energy from Food

Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food

Unit 2: Genetics

Chapter 8: Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells

Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

Chapter 10: The Structure and Function of DNA

Chapter 11: How Genes Are Controlled

Chapter 12: DNA Technology

Unit 3: Evolution and Diversity

Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve

Chapter 14: How Biological Diversity Evolves

Chapter 15: The Evolution of Microbial Life

Chapter 16: The Evolution of Plants and Fungi

Chapter 17: The Evolution of Animals

Unit 4: Ecology

Chapter 18: An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere

Chapter 19: Population Ecology

Chapter 20: Communities and Ecosystems

Unit 5: Animal Structure and Function

Chapter 21: Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function

Chapter 22: Nutrition and Digestion

Chapter 23: Circulation and Respiration

Chapter 24: The Body’s Defenses

Chapter 25: Hormones

Chapter 26: Reproduction and Development

Chapter 27: Nervous, Sensory, and Locomotor Systems

Unit 6: Plant Structure and Function

Chapter 28: The Life of a Flowering Plant

Chapter 29: The Working Plant