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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11th edition

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$ 35.00 USD
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$ 35.00 USD
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11th Edition

1265102597 · 9781265102593

Brealey, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, is an introduction to corporate finance focusing on how companies invest in real assets, how they raise the money to pay for the investments, and how those assets ultimately affect the firm's value. It also provides a broad overview of the financial landscape. The book offers a framework for systematically thinking about most of the important financial problems that both firms and individuals are likely to confront: financial management is important, interesting, and challenging.

Fundamentals focuses on setting out the basic principles of financial management and applying them to the main decisions faced by the financial manager. The text is also organized around the key concepts of modern finance. These concepts, properly explained, simplify the subject. They are also practical. Financial management tools are easier to grasp and use effectively when presented in a consistent conceptual framework.