• 9789670761640 (1)
  • 9789670761640 (3)

Corporate Finance, Bedah Ahmad, Mohd Nizal Haniff

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Publish Date: End Sept 2022
The Corporate Finance is an introductory book that explains the basic principles, finance concepts, theories, and techniques in corporate finance matters. The integration of theory and practical aspects and financing alternatives that are available in the various chapters would assist students to demonstrate their managerial skills in making corporate finance-related decisions. All chapters in this book are relevant and interrelated. It educates readers on corporate finance principles ranging from maximization of shareholders wealth and dividend policy to analysis of the risk and return of investment choices in the portfolio management and asset pricing theory, as well as investment implications under the efficient capital market. It also emphasizes the firm's financing alternatives in terms of the cost of capital, capital structure and merger and acquisition exercise. This book also includes broad discussions of international finance that bring readers valuable knowledge when in dealing with the exchange rates in international trades and risk
management of foreign currency.

It endeavours to provide a clear, simple, and practical style of delivering the content
through an easy reference with diagrams, examples, moderate and comprehensive
exercises, illustrations, and chapter summaries. Therefore, the authors hope the
publication of this book will be a good resource that enables readers and students to
improve their learning process, and a useful tool to understand the principles of
corporate finance.