Financial Accounting for Business Enterprises & Companies in Malaysia
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$ 15.00 USD
Book details
ISBN: 9789670761756
Pub Date: 2024
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING : for Business Enterprises & Companies in Malaysia
This textbook is designed for students seeking a solid understanding of fundamental accounting and of reporting for partnerships. companies and other related business enterprises. It exposes students to -accounting principles, concepts and procedures applicable to various entitiese including partnerships, manufacturing enterprises branches and non-profit organizations. Additionally. the text provides guidance on accounting and reporting for companies, covering topics such as the issuance and redemption of financial instruments like shares and debentures. It also introduces students to reporting and other aspects of company accounting practices. Ultimately, the goal of this textbook is to enhance students' skills in preparing and presenting financial statements for companies with the aim of publication.
Every chapter provides guidance by presenting learning outcomes, comprehensive notes and step-by-step examples, For a deeper understanding, students can do energises of varying difficulty, which are accompanied by key answers. Exam-based questions are included at the end of each chapter to effectively reinforce the lessons preseh!ed, Furthermore. the textbook offers guidance on valuable study toots designed to enhance students' chances of success in their examinations. These tools include exam tips. answer keys, and a focus on challenging topics.
Our hope, as reflected throughout this textbook, is that students will develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental accounting for both business enterprises and companies; engage with the material; complete the exercises; and utilize the study tools to not only pass but excel in their accounting journey.